This is my very first blog post on my very first website ever. It's bittersweet, really. My sweet fiancé has allowed me to pursue my dream of becoming a photographer full-time. He's so awesome.
I'm beyond pumped to give this thing a full green light and see where it takes us. I'm scared because following your dream can be that way. I have full faith in myself and abilities to make some magic happen, but I may need your help. Please browse around and if you see what you like, please let me know. I am really open for suggestions (to an extent). I love feedback!
I hope to blog almost all my sessions as time allows and as Sawyer says (he's boss, ya know). This website is a work in progress: as it is my very first one. Bare with me guys.
I'm so very stoked to see where this journey will take us and I hope you stick with me to find out. :) Please follow me on facebook and instagram if you wanna see what's up.
Hope you have a happy week!